46 research outputs found

    Setting up proinnovative networks in Silesia

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    Silesia is the most industrialized region of Poland recently under huge reindustrialization in an effort to change its heavy industrial pattern into more diversified and innovative one. The reindustrialization processes is additionally complicated by the transformation of Polish economy from central planned to marked oriented. Proinnovative networks, in which under more or less formally conditions cooperate industrial/service companies, research/educational institutions, regional/central governments, professional bodies and even private persons, are put forward as a possible way to solve the reindustrialization problems. Their importance is emphasized in the Regional Development Strategy for Silesia, 2000-2015. The aim of present paper is to study factors and phenomena, which facilitate cooperation of partners within proinnovative networks, as well as describe problems, which are, faced both when setting up such a network and in its day by day business. Special attention is paid to so-called soft factors, the social capital of partners cooperating in the network. We introduce certain measures of social capital and demonstrate their usefulness. In second part of the paper we present a number of case studies of Silesia proinnovative networks. For each network we describe its objective, short history with results achieved so far, and future plans. We pay special attention to these networks, which are considered, at least in part, as the results of projects under the Framework Programmes of European Union.

    Social capital as critical success factor for innovation development processes in industrialised regions, case study RIS-Silesia in the Silesia Voivodship (Poland)

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    Pace and success of transformation of traditional national economies into competitive network-based economies in a global environment in such countries like Poland - countries currently facing intensive economic reconversion - is mainly depending on the role and capacities of regional economic centres in initiating and developing pro-innovative processes. These economic centres, among which the Slaskie Voivodeship, are often characterised by long tradition in heavy, labour- and raw materials intensive industries such as the mining, metallurgic and chemical sector. The Slaskie Voivodeship is placed among the leading regions of Poland as for its social and economic potential. It is characterised by a high number of inhabitants (4.8m. people) living on a relatively small area (3.9% of Poland), resulting in a high population density (3.2 times more than the country’s average). In 2000, the Slaskie Voivodeship was placed second in Poland (behind the Mazowieckie Voivodeship) as concerns its economic potential measured in Gross Domestic Product . The Slaskie Voivodeship is currently playing a pilot role in Poland in developing networks and systems around a regional innovation strategy. More than 150 organisations (R&D institutes, institutes of higher education, SMEs, large companies, local governments, NGO’s) are involved in this process. The paper will – based on the case study of the Slaskie Voivodeship - include problem areas and solutions concerning development of pro-innovative co-operation networks and will discuss the issue of trust between organisations as critical factor in innovation strategy building and implementation processes. The document will also present a methodology related to intellectual capital, among which social capital, as key-condition in the above-mentioned process.

    Social-cultural aspects of the functioning of an institutional network, which is the base for the regional pro-innovating strategy implementation

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    A technology transfer is a key to an efficient innovating strategy implementation process. The institutional network should support this process. The aim of the paper is to point out the 'soft' circumstances which appear when institutions start to co-operate in such network. Furthermore some directions will be given how to face with negative circumstances. In the first part of the paper the social cultural aspects of cooperation between institutions within the network will be presented. The analyse will be mainly focused on processes of autonomisation and enclosing on an external cooperation in these institutions. The second part of the paper is a case study. A creation process of technological parks at the Silesian region will be analysed. Using this example the methods of dealing with difficulties which are discussed will be demonstrated.


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    In the paper the question of dual character of organizational knowledge have been developed. Especially the attempt of explanation of the phenomena of self-organizing renewal behaviours structure have been made. The two models of knowledge management and leadership have been analysed (Nonaka-Takeuchi model and Argyris model), as the result of the considerations some conclusions and recommendations, regarding the impact of organizational knowledge on strategic management process, have been expressedKey words: knowledge dualism, entrepreneurial approach, strategic managementJEL: M0, M1, M2W artykule rozwinięto kwestie dualnego charakteru wiedzy organizacyjnej, podejmując próbę wyjaśnienia zjawisk, takich jak: samoorganizacyjne odtwarzanie struktury zachowań w organizacji oraz rozwój organizacji. Przeanalizowano założenia dwóch modeli kreowania i zarządzania wiedzą (model I. Nonaki i H. Takeuchi oraz Ch. Argyrisa) a w wyniku tej analizy sformułowano wnioski, jakie wynikają z faktu wpływu dualnego charakteru wiedzy na proces zarządzania strategicznego.Słowa kluczowe: dualizm wiedzy, podejście przedsiębiorcze, zarządzanie strategiczn

    Problems of organizing changes in the management of enterprises implementing technologies according to concept “Industry 4.0”

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    Purpose: The aim of the paper was to present the results of the discussion on the threats generated by innovative information and cognitive technologies for the purposes of socially responsible design and development of organization and management systems. Design/Methodology/Approach: The sense of implementing information and cognitive technologies in modern enterprises was justified. Research reports were presented, which made it possible to formulate the effects of implementing these technologies include, first, striving to minimize companies’ unit costs. It was justified that the main barriers to the implementation of those technologies, apart from the necessity to invest high financial resources, are the low level of necessary support from the management of enterprises. Findings: As a result of the discussion, it was stated that the guiding principle for rational changes in enterprises in which information and cognitive technologies are implemented may be the assumptions and principles of the SMART Organization model. The company's strategy, which is created, developed and disseminated among employees in the organization, are managers – leaders. It is a strategy which in its characteristics is a strategy called entrepreneurial strategy. Positive Organization Theory, which is a platform for a system of moral and organizational values in an enterprise, is a platform for a new organizational culture as well as the principles and application of management instruments. Practical Implications: In sectors such as health, banking and education, information and cognitive technologies significantly enhance their positive functions. In industrial organizations, the functions that contribute to the increase in the efficiency of mass production and the increase in the flexibility of production processes for individual customer needs are verified. The criteria for applying the technologies that have been called the "Industry 4.0" revolution will be "rethought". Originality/value: The paper presents an in-depth discussion of the threats generated by innovative information and cognitive technologies for the socially responsible design and development of organization and management systems in enterprises.peer-reviewe

    Zastosowanie sieci neuronowych w diagnostyce patologii endometrium

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    Abstract Aim: The aim of the study was to construct neuron networks utilizing selected risk factors and ultrasonographic (USG) examination parameters in a two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) presentation in relation to endometrial pathologies. Materials and methods: The following risk factors were statistically analyzed: age and menopausal status, parity, using hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), BMI, 2D USG of the endometrium (thickness, uterine artery blood flow indices) and 3D USG (volume, vascularization indices) in relation to the result of histopathological examination of the endometrial tissue in 421 women, aged 22-87 years, with abnormal bleeding from the uterus. The changes of the sensitivity and specificity in the applied models corresponding to changes of the limit value, were presented in the form of receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) and the comparison of the values of the area under the curve (AUC). The threshold value for the obtained models was established and models of artificial neuron networks (ANN) were constructed on the basis of the ROC. Conclusion: Application of artificial neural networks in medicine has been developing rapidly. They have been applied in pre-surgical differentiation of ovarian tumors and other neoplasms. In case of endometrial carcinoma the degree of clinical usage of artificial neural networks has been limited, despite the fact that, from the mathematical point of view, the differentiation using neural networks would be much more precise than the one that could be obtained by chance.Streszczenie Cel pracy: Celem pracy było skonstruowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych wykorzystujących wybrane czynniki ryzyka oraz parametry oceny ultrasonograficznej (USG) w prezentacji dwuwymiarowej (2D) i trójwymiarowej (3D) w odniesieniu do patologii endometrium. Materiał i metody: Analizie statystycznej poddano czynniki ryzyka: wiek oraz status menopauzalny, rodność, stosowanie hormonalnej terapii zastępczej, BMI, 2D USG endometrium (grubość, indeksy przepływu krwi w t. macicznej) i 3D (objętość, wskaźniki naczyniowe) w odniesieniu do wyniku badania histopatologicznego z endometrium u 421 kobiet z nieprawidłowym krwawieniem z macicy w wieku 22-87 lat. Zmiany czułości i specyficzności przy przesuwaniu wartości granicznej, dla zastosowanych modeli przedstawiono w formie krzywych ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves) oraz porównania wartości pola pod badanymi krzywymi AUC (Area Under the Curve). Na podstawie krzywych ROC stwierdzono wartość progową dla uzyskanych modeli oraz skonstruowano modele sztucznych sieci neuronowych (ANN). Wnioski: Wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych w medycynie rozwija się dynamicznie. Znalazły one zastosowanie w przedoperacyjnym różnicowaniu guzów jajnika oraz innych nowotworów. W odniesieniu do raka endometrium pomimo tego, że z punktu widzenia matematycznego różnicowanie jest znacznie lepsze niż można by otrzymać przez przypadek, to jednak z punktu widzenia klinicznego w chwili obecnej zastosowanie ich jest ograniczone

    Ultrasonograficzna ocena mięśnia dźwigacza odbytu u kobiet z wysiłkowym nietrzymaniem moczu

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    Three-dimensional sonography has been used for about 15 years, not only to examine the female genital organs, but also the lower urinary tract and pelvic floor. Three-dimensional sonography offers more information than traditional two-dimensional sonography, allowing for a dynamic representation of the examined structures and observation at any angle necessary. Translabial sonography is the best way of a sonographic examination of the lower urinary tract, because it does not affect the mutual relationship of any parts in the lower pelvic area, contrary to the transrectal or transvaginal probes. In order to establish proper treatment of the urinary incontinence symptoms, not only a functional examination of the lower urinary tract, but also a very accurate assessment of the statics of the female genital organs and pelvic floor need to be performed. Background: The aim of the study was to rate the area and diameters of the limbs of the levator ani muscle using a three-dimensional (3D) translabial sonography in women with stress urinary incontinence without the female genital tract prolapse. Material and methods: The study group included 100 patients who were examined with the GE Kretz Voluson 730 (GE, Austria), equipped with 6-9 MHz translabial probe. The first group with stress urinary incontinence consisted of 50 women (mean age 56.22 (±10.43) years) and the second group included 50 women without symptoms (mean age 49.40 (±13.22) years). All cases of urinary stress incontinence in the first group were confirm by means of a urodynamic examination. Women in both groups had similar body weight (kilograms), mean (±SD): 26.88 (±2.02) and 26.20 (±4,14), respectively. Menopausal status in both groups was not statistically significant and amounted to 7.21 (±8.71) in the group of women with stress urinary incontinence and 4.70 (±6.32) in the group without symptoms. Mean (±SD) number of deliveries was significantly higher in the group of women with stress urinary incontinence than in the control group (2.40 (±1.03) and 1.56 (±1.34), respectively). In all cases 3D coronal view of the pelvic diaphragm was obtained and the area and thickness of limbs of the levator ani muscle were measured. All women had about 200 ml urine in the bladder. Results: The results are presented as means±SD. Mean measurements of this area in both groups were 8.54±1.62 cm2 and 10.57±1.29 cm2, respectively. Mean thickness of the limbs in the groups were: 8.72±0.64mm and 10.85±0.89mm on the left side and 8.85±0.67mm and 10.89±0.87mm on right side, respectively. The differences between both groups in all measurements were statistically significant (pCel pracy: Celem naszej pracy była ocena powierzchni i wymiarów ramion mięśnia dźwigacza odbytu (MDO) przy zastosowaniu 3D USG u kobiet z wysiłkowym nietrzymaniem moczu (WNM) bez współistniejącego obniżenia narządu płciowego. Materiał i metody: Badania 3D USG wykonano sondą przezwargową aparatu GE Kretz Voluson 730 u 50 kobiet ze zdiagnozowanym WNM i 50 zdrowych kobiet. Oceniono statykę narządu płciowego w skali POPQ. W płaszczyźnie czołowej oceniano grubość i pole powierzchni ramion MDO. Wyniki: Stwierdzono istotne statystycznie różnice średnich wartości pól powierzchni między grupą z WNM, a grupą kontrolną (

    The estimation of the probability of tumor malignacy on the basis of test combination in the primary diagnosis of adnexal tumors

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    Summary Purpose: The aim was to evaluate the risk of ovarian tumor malignancy based on logistic regression analysis and to construct a practical tool which might be used at the bedside. Material and methods: 379 women with adnexal masses were enrolled to the study. The results of the twodimensional (2D) gray-scale ultrasound examination, color and spectral Doppler blood flow measurement, threedimensional (3D) sonoangiography examination and serum levels of CA-125 measurement were analyzed. 160 out of 379 women with abnormal findings, (42.2%), were diagnosed with a malignant ovarian tumor, and 219 (57.8%) were found to have a non-malignant adnexal mass. To improve the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound scan findings, postmenopausal status and preoperative serum CA-125 levels, the risk of malignancy index (RMI) was calculated and compared to the result of logistic regression analysis. Furthermore, the nomograms applicable at the bedside for estimation of the probability of malignancy for the examined adnexal tumor were derived. Results: The highest values of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in univariate analysis were 0.87 for serum levels of CA-125 and 0. 83 for the color score. For the RML, the value of the area under ROC curve was 0.91. The results of logistic regression revealed that papillary growth, color score, age, pulsatility index (PI) and level of serum CA 125 were significant factors in the multivariate model. The obtained classification accuracies for MLRA model in the training set and the test set were 88% and 92%, respectively. The value of the area under the ROC curve was 0.94 and significantly differed from the value of area for CA-125 (

    The Anatomical variations of artery of angular gyrus

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    Context: Angular gyrus is an anatomical structure of the brain located in the parietal lobe, taking part in writing and reading, language-use, memory and attention and spatial recognition. It is supplied by the angular gyrus artery, which is one of the caudal branches of the middle cerebral artery. One of the clinical pathologies of the angular gyrus artery is the ischemic stroke of the angular gyrus in the dominant hemisphere, responsible for the presence of Gerstmann Syndrome: left-right disorientation, agraphia, alexia, acalculia and finger agnosia. This systematic review aims to present the variety of anomalies of the main cerebral artery and the angular gyrus artery. Objective: Preparing a systematic review of papers describing the course anomalies of the angular gyrus artery. Materials and methods: PubMed and Google Scholar electronic databases was searched for phrases: ‘Angular gyrus artery’, ‘Artery of angular gyrus’, ‘Middle cerebral artery branches’, ‘Branches of middle cerebral artery’, ‘Gerstmann Syndrome’ published between years 2015 and 2023. Also 3 papers published before 2000 were used. From the selected 30 papers, 6 were used to prepare this analysis. Results: The middle cerebral artery, from which arises the angular gyrus artery, is marked by a significant variety of its division, mainly the number of the dividing trunks of the artery. Depending on the type of the division, the angular gyrus artery can arise from the upper, middle or lower trunk and vary in sizes. It can also appear as a singular or two separate branches. Instances of the anomaly of both the angular gyrus artery and posterior parietal artery are rare, but reported. Conclusions: The angular gyrus artery is characterised by a number of anomalies in its course, separation from the middle cerebral artery, diameter and branching

    Magma mixing and exsolution phenomena in peralkaline rhyolites: insights from the Gold Flat Tuff, Nevada

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    The distribution and compositions of chevkinite-group minerals (CGMs) in the pantelleritic Gold Flat Tuff, Nevada, USA, are used to examine three aspects of the evolution of the tuff, which we feel are of general significance in peralkaline magmatism. First, both chevkinite-(Ce) and perrierite-(Ce) occur in certain facies, although normally these phases almost invariably occur in different igneous lithologies. Their co-occurrence in the tuff is due to the mixing of pantelleritic and intermediate magmas. Second, the tuff is the first recorded occurrence of a CGM in a pantellerite eruptive, with possible implications for the crystallization conditions. In particular, low values of aSiO2{{a}}\mathrm{SiO}_{2} may have stabilized ilmenite + chevkinite rather than aenigmatite, although the unusually high LREE contents (\sum La–Sm {\le } 1517 ppm) in the pantellerite may have played a role. Third, an unusual lamellar texture in the CGM is revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy to be formed by a rutile-like phase. The lamellae may have formed by exsolution from a rutile-like layer in the crystal structure. An electron back-scattered diffraction study of a single crystal showed a structural dislocation not apparent optically or by electron back-scattered imaging. This may have wider implications in mineralogical studies